Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rah Rah Raw Raspberry Ganache!

Time to bake a birthday cake...except this one has no flour, dairy, eggs, or sugar. And there is no cooking required. So is it a cake, or something better?

First, we prep our ingredients.
You will need:

1 1/3 cups chopped Medjool Dates and Mission Figs
3 cups raw walnuts
1 cup raw cacao powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup maple syrup or agave
1/2 cup avocado
1/3 cup cacao nibs
Shredded coconut (to taste)
2 cups raspberries (to taste)
***All ingredients are raw***

First, finely chop the dates as shown the in the photo. This should be the first thing you do because it takes the longest. Then, put the
walnuts in the processor, along with only 2/3 of your raw cacao powder, and your sea salt. Then, blend until you have a fine mixture. Now, you have
your cake flour. Then, add 1 cup (only 1 cup!!!) of dates into the
mixture. You will be using the other third for our frosting. Blend until smooth. This will be your RAW cake batter!

Now, its time for the frosting (my favorite part). Take your other third of cacao and pour it into the processor. Add your 1/3 cup of dates, your 1/4 cup of maple syrup or agave, your avocado, a few raspberries to taste, your cacao nibs, and blend until smooth. The outcome is amazing, by far the best frosting I've ever tasted.

Putting the cake together is a difficult task. First, take your cake
batter and you can either put it into a pie pan, or shape it on a plate.
I put it into a pie pan, but either will do. Use half the cake batter, because will we use it again. Now, spread half of the frosting on top. This was difficult for me, and so I suggest thinning the
frosting with some water. Then, sprinkle some berries on top, and
cover with another layer of cake batter. This should use up
the rest of your batter. Now, add another layer of frosting, using
up the rest of your frosting. Finally, sprinkle coconut and arrange
the last of your raspberries on top! No cooking required, its ready
to eat!

This decadent dessert is good for parties, and great for any night.
We made it for a birthday, but would suit for just a
nice night at home. Since it is so rich, you will just want
a few bites. So, this easy to non-bake cake is
definitely a love at first bite. And ask yourself
again; Is it a cake, or something better?
 Walnuts, in the processor
All Organic Raw Cocoa Powder! Yum!
Avocado for our frosting....mmmmm...
Our frosting mixture

Wonderful Raspeberries

The Masterpiece!

Slicing our Dates and Figs!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Rawesome Lime Tart

The other night we made a raw key-lime pie! DELICIOUS! I kept thinking about putting it into the oven, but I realized it was raw, so you just make it, and then you eat it! It was tart, but sweet, all organic, all raw, and all yummy.

The crust was made of macadamia nuts, dry shredded coconut, lime zest, lime juice, and a little agave. It had a texture similar to a rice crispy treat, and tasted sweet, lime-y, and had a slightly nutty flavor. I liked it, and it went perfectly with the filling, yum!

The filling was made of 5 mashed avocados, lime juice, lime zest, vanilla bean, and stevia. First, we mashed the avocados, and put them in with the lime juice and zest, and the avocados totally took on the lime flavor. We puree'd those, and then put in the vanilla. We couldn't find actual vanilla bean extract, but we found vanilla beans! So, we sliced them open, and with a knife, scraped out the insides and put them with our avocados. Then, we added a bit of stevia. It tasted sweet, yet tart, so like bittersweet, and yummy! I loved it, and it went perfectly with the crust, so, this raw dessert was AWESOME in my book!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Quinoa!

The other night my mother and I made Quinoa! It was, easy to make, fun to make, and made for a good meal! This is the first post I have where I will post a recipe, so listen up!

To make this, you will need:
2 cloves of garlic
half of a ginger root (sounds like a lot, but, is only a little)
6 sweet red and yellow peppers
1 cup chopped parsley
4 green onions (just the white part)
one cucumber
one box of quinoa (we used inca red)
vegetable broth (instead of water)
olive oil (optional)
one lemon
serving bowl

First, prep your ingredients. Crush the garlic, and finely mince. Mince parsley until fine, or place in glass and use scissors to mince. Chop the cucumber (after peeling) in small centimeter wide cubes, and chop the peppers in a similar size. Take a spoon, or knife, but I prefer spoon, and peel the ginger, by pressing down on the skin with the spoon, and scraping it along the side. Then, finely mince the ginger. When you put in your quinoa, there should be instructions on the packet of quinoa, based on what type you have. But, my mom likes to substitute vegetable broth instead of water, so when the instructions say water, use veggie broth. Once all your ingredients are prepared, put them all in a large glass bowl and mix them! You can add olive oil if you like, about 3 tablespoons in, add some salt, and squeeze you lemon juice in! Serve and enjoy!
This tangy dinner is yummy, and easy to make! I hope you try this out, and have fun making it.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Mate (pronounced mah-teh) or chimarrão is a traditional South American drink. It is made with dried yerba leaves that are, like tea, soaked in warm water. There are specific things to drink mate out of, like gourds with steel or silver straws. Usually served in family gatherings, mate is served by a cebador
(in Spanish, a server), and passed around, everyone drinking out of the same gourd. When the gourd has been refilled about 10 times, and everyone one is considered "full", the ritual ends. Some people will put sugar or honey in their mate (in spanish mate dulce).

My mom makes mate instead of tea or coffee every morning because it is high in antioxidants, has a portion of caffeine to wake you up, and as much potassium as a banana. She gets the leaves at Whole Foods, and then brews it at home. She made me some mate so I could try it, and put a bit of honey in it so it wouldn't be as bitter.

The mate I had smelled herbal and...bitter. I know it isn't natural to smell a taste, but when you smell mate you will understand. It is a light green shade, and has a bitter and somewhat sweet flavor. It is really interesting to have a drink have a bitter and sweet taste. Sweet when you drink, bitter after. Take into account I am having mate dulce, so if you drink straight mate, like my mom, the taste would be grassy, herbal and bitter, as she describes it. Mate is an interesting drink that I have been lucky (or am I?) enough to try. Not a flavor I crave, but definitely a flavor that I am happy to have tasted. So not a great tasting love at first bite, but an interesting one.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pasta Carbonara

Last night we had pasta carbonara, or fettuccine carbonara. It was made with some very special farmers market eggs, home cured pancetta, pecorino cheese, Italian parsley, olive oil, and a pinch of black pepper. Very simple to make as well!

First, my dad cooked fettuccine in a pot, until it was al dente. Then, he strained it and put it back in a pot. While the water was boiling, he made a mixture of eggs, olive oil, chopped parsley, and pecorino cheese with a bit of black pepper. He added the egg mixture to the pot. The heat in the pan and the heat of the pasta cooks the eggs, so it's safe to eat. Finally, he added in fried shallots and pancetta.

Of course, every super hero needs a side-kick. So, on the side we had some peas, farmers market strawberries, and, as usual, salad. They weren't a big deal, but, they were still delicious.

So, was pasta carbonara an Italian disgrace, or a wonderful luxury? Well, if you ask me, it was savory, soft, and a burst of flavors. In my book, pasta carbonara is a amazing dish, for once a year. I believe if you have it too much, it may not be special, and pasta carbonara, is a very special thing. Absolutely, positively, love at first bite.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Shrimp, Tuna, Kuchen, and Corn on the Cob

Tonight we had a heck of a good meal. Shrimp, Tuna, Corn, and Kuchen! Talk about a mismatched meal! We're traveling this weekend, so Grandma and Daniel hosted us. Daniel was born in France and my Grandmother is a fabulous cook as well, so good food was guaranteed.

The shrimp was cooked in a bath of olive-oil, tons of garlic, and a bit of salt and pepper. It was soft and salty, and very subtle. Local, fresh, shrimp is fantastic and is almost always good. A nice seafood dish, and was perfect on a summer day.

The tuna was basically a tuna filet with a wasabi sauce on the sides. It had a cool flavor and a tender texture. The wasabi was great as well, and perfect on the tuna. I like wasabi more than hot sauces because with hot sauces the flavor stays in your mouth throughout the rest of the meal, so I don't get to taste the other flavors. But, with wasabi, the spicy sensation is short so you can actually taste your food afterward.

The corn we had was just plain old corn on the cob. Salty and buttery, and delicious. Now, Kuchen is a type of cake, more like a crumble though. I made this with my Grandmother, which was very simple. And, the recipe was passed down from her mother, so it was interesting that it had a history. It had a nutty, almond smell, and a sweet flavor that made you sit down in your seat and go "ahhhhhhhhhhhh". Well, not exactly, but close. Topped with apples and cinnamon, this was a fabulous dessert.

So, total mismatch dinner a: train wreck or a wonderful meal? You tell me. Some say opposites attract, which in this case, was true. With flavors that compliment each other nicely, and a variety of foods, this meal was definitely love at first bite.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fries, Tzatziki, Spanikopita, Who Could Ask For a Better Sunday?

On Sunday we had Fries, Tatziki, and Spanikopita, Greek Night! The fries were a beautiful golden color, the tatziki creamy and delicious, and the spanikopita was flaky and spectacular. Perfect for a hot summer night in May, and perfect for me.

The fries and tatziki were amazing, and wonderful together. These aren't fries that you would go get a burger king...those fries are a disgrace to the potato world. No, these fries are homemade fries straight from the oven! Crispy and crunchy and delicious in every way. Now, the tatziki was the COMPLETE opposite. It was creamy and had a cool flavor, like you just walked by a fan in the Sahara Desert, you want to stay there all day, and never move. So, tatziki and fries together were great, crispy and creamy and warm and cool at the same time. Simple to make, and wonderful to eat, tatziki is one of the most amazing foods...ever.

Spanikopita is a pastry with a delicious flaky crust on the outside, and a warm, soft, spinach filling. It is sort of like a mini, savory, turnover. Mmmm....Crispy and warm and yummy in every single way!

So, Greek night??? Was it επίθ. κακός or επίθ. καλός, αγαθός (bad or good)? Well, you tell me, but I think it was pretty επίθ. νοστιμότατος, υπέροχος (delicious). Surely, a love at first bite or αγάπη κατά την πρώτη φέρνει αποτελέσματα.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Eggplant Parmesan

Last night we had Eggplant Parmesan, and it was wonderful, and simple to make! I helped out my dad with this one. This dish was delicious, and filling. Served on a plate with broccoli, this dish was amazing.

We basically took slices of eggplant, each one cm long, and set them to cook in a pan for four minutes on each side. Next, we took three slices and stacked them on top of each other, showered them in tomato sauce, and then sprinkled cheese on top.

The eggplant was soft and plain, just as an eggplant should be. Sounds pretty boring, but when you add garlic-y tomato sauce, and a slight amount of cheese, It's perfect. It was very subtle, but really good after a long day. Simply, love at first bite.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chicken with THE BEST Red Pepper Sauce

You don't usually expect to have the main part of the meal be the sauce. Normally, it's just something to compliment the larger portion of food on your plate. Like red sauce on spaghetti and meatballs. This meal was the complete opposite.

My father is a magician. He cannot pull a bunny out of a hat, but he sure can turn a somewhat unappetizing red pepper into a beautifully creamy crimson sauce, and that is a lot better than some random bunny (probably animatronic...). Who knew someone could make possibly the most delicious sauce ever out of just a few roasted red peppers, garlic, black pepper, vegetable oil, and a dash of nutmeg.

Of course I can't leave out the chicken. It was delicious, as usual. Thin sliced chicken breasts, dusted with ground coriander, little salt and pepper, blackened in a pan. Chicken never disappoints. I also can't ignore the vegetables. Good old steamed broccoli. Whoever came up with the idea of eating broccoli raw, is insane. It tastes like chalk. Steamed broccoli, however, is one of the best tasting vegetables, and goes well with everything.

Yet another meal that makes my day. I swear, even though this sounds gross, I could have eaten that pepper sauce with a spoon, and it was healthy as well. I'm glad to say, an absolute love at first bite.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spiced Chicken, With Mushroom Sauce, and Baked Zucchini

Last night, for dinner, we had chicken with mushroom sauce and a side of cooked zucchini. It was delicious. The chicken was spiced to perfection, and the sauce, consisting of cooked mushrooms, carrots. Beautifully served on a bed of salad and cucumbers, this meal was fantastic.

I have tried chicken, in so many ways. I have had it diced and put in soup. I have had it grilled and put on a Styrofoam plate at a barbecue. I have had it with lemon juice. I have had it with tomato sauce. I have had it fried. I could go on forever, but that's not what I'm writing this for. Last night, my dad made chicken, spiced it and cooked it in a pan, and it was perfect. It was peppery, tender, and satisfactory.

My dad also made a mushroom and carrot sauce for the chicken, but I was avoiding it because, I hate mushrooms. I hate them! Something about their spongy texture and bland taste gets to me. Anyways, when I had eaten most of the outside, I had to face the mushrooms. I lifted some onto my fork, and into my mouth. I expected to cringe as a chewed, but, actually, I took another bite, and another, and I realized, I love this stuff. It had a savory and smoky flavor, and a creamy texture. I began to scrape the plate with my fork, hoping there would magically be more. So, congratulations, Dad. You tricked my taste-buds.

The zucchini was cooked in our old fashioned toaster oven, since we don't own a microwave. It was simply done, but tasted fantastic. All it needed was a dash of salt, and it was great. Easy as well, all you need is one or two zucchini shredded, and placed in a pan with butter and herbs and put in the oven for about an hour!

So, chicken with mushroom sauce and zucchini, I will most definitely eat you again! Yet another, love at first bite.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gluten Free Eating- Bread Substitutes

Last month (April), I was gluten free. Yup, zero gluten. Gluten is in most grains, like wheat, rye, and barley. So no bread for me...or anything else with gluten, which is pretty hard, because most things contain gluten. Bread of course, but somethings you would never imagine, like soap or shampoo. But you don't have to worry about those unless you have a strict no gluten diet or allergy, or if you eat soap regularly...
In my month of being no gluten, there are a few things that you can substitute for bread, that are filling and easy to spread peanut butter and jelly on:

Tortillas- Your best friend when you are gluten free. Make sure you buy the CORN ones, because others might contain wheat. Tortilla's are the closest you will get to bread, besides gluten free bread.

Rice- This is not exactly like bread, but filling and tasty. Try rice, spinach, and cooked chicken in a bowl with maybe a little fish sauce.
Gluten Free Bread- This is like bread but...if store-bought not the best. Gluten free bread made from scratch is the best tasting. If you want to make this, click here to get an Ask.com recipe.
Fruit- This may be surprising, but fruit saved me that whole month. When I was used to a sandwich for lunch everyday, I was scared when I stopped eating gluten. What was I going to eat for lunch? Fruit. It's just as filling , and tastes great.

So if you are going gluten free, make your toast with a tortilla, or gluten free bread. Have a bowl of rice instead of a sandwich. Eat a banana instead of a doughnut!

Homeade Duck Confit

This was the first homemade confit I have ever had. When my family and I went to France, we stocked up on food to bring back to the U.S.A. Most of the food has now disappeared, except for a small morsel of pate, and one can of duck confit. Don't worry, it's the large kind.

Anyways, three cans of confit has shown me that, a good confit is a special thing. I have also had homemade cassoulet made from the same duck. Next time I eat it I'll put it up. It's amazing. Back to the point, when I heard my dad was making confit, I was of course excited. Excited to compare his dish with the French version, excited to see how it's made, and mostly excited to eat it! The can-confit was savory and delicious, the best confit ever...or so I thought...

For dinner last night, my dad finally unveiled his Duck Confit with cabbage, carrots, and garlic. It was delicious. The confit was duck leg quarters that was marinated in herbs, salt, and olive oil. Then it was simmered in a bath of duck fat all day, then drained. Then, put on high heat to crisp the outside, in the oven, draining the rest of the fat. The vegetables were cooked in pan all together, and then placed on a large plate, with spinach and cucumbers. Then, the confit was carefully placed on top.
It was delicious, and beautiful. It melted in my mouth, like butter. It was salty, but not too salty. It was subtle and simply perfect.
Then, when I had eaten most of the meat that fell off the bone onto my fork and into my mouth, I took my fork and shred it into small pieces, and mixed it into the cabbage and carrots. The vegetables were so delicious, I could hardly believe they were vegetables, they were just as delicious as the confit. So two delicious foods on their own, but together...They were amazing. The vegetables were satisfying, and when you got even a small piece of confit, you get excited.

So, can confit or homemade confit? My decision was simple. The authentic French confit, straight from Europe, or the homemade confit, cooked in my oven? Homemade, hands down. It was like comparing canned peaches, with a real peach. Canned peaches are delicious, yes, but are they as good as a peach that still has its soft skin on it preserving it's sweet inside. Duck Confit; definitely love at the first bite.