Monday, June 7, 2010

Pasta Carbonara

Last night we had pasta carbonara, or fettuccine carbonara. It was made with some very special farmers market eggs, home cured pancetta, pecorino cheese, Italian parsley, olive oil, and a pinch of black pepper. Very simple to make as well!

First, my dad cooked fettuccine in a pot, until it was al dente. Then, he strained it and put it back in a pot. While the water was boiling, he made a mixture of eggs, olive oil, chopped parsley, and pecorino cheese with a bit of black pepper. He added the egg mixture to the pot. The heat in the pan and the heat of the pasta cooks the eggs, so it's safe to eat. Finally, he added in fried shallots and pancetta.

Of course, every super hero needs a side-kick. So, on the side we had some peas, farmers market strawberries, and, as usual, salad. They weren't a big deal, but, they were still delicious.

So, was pasta carbonara an Italian disgrace, or a wonderful luxury? Well, if you ask me, it was savory, soft, and a burst of flavors. In my book, pasta carbonara is a amazing dish, for once a year. I believe if you have it too much, it may not be special, and pasta carbonara, is a very special thing. Absolutely, positively, love at first bite.