Monday, May 24, 2010

Fries, Tzatziki, Spanikopita, Who Could Ask For a Better Sunday?

On Sunday we had Fries, Tatziki, and Spanikopita, Greek Night! The fries were a beautiful golden color, the tatziki creamy and delicious, and the spanikopita was flaky and spectacular. Perfect for a hot summer night in May, and perfect for me.

The fries and tatziki were amazing, and wonderful together. These aren't fries that you would go get a burger king...those fries are a disgrace to the potato world. No, these fries are homemade fries straight from the oven! Crispy and crunchy and delicious in every way. Now, the tatziki was the COMPLETE opposite. It was creamy and had a cool flavor, like you just walked by a fan in the Sahara Desert, you want to stay there all day, and never move. So, tatziki and fries together were great, crispy and creamy and warm and cool at the same time. Simple to make, and wonderful to eat, tatziki is one of the most amazing foods...ever.

Spanikopita is a pastry with a delicious flaky crust on the outside, and a warm, soft, spinach filling. It is sort of like a mini, savory, turnover. Mmmm....Crispy and warm and yummy in every single way!

So, Greek night??? Was it επίθ. κακός or επίθ. καλός, αγαθός (bad or good)? Well, you tell me, but I think it was pretty επίθ. νοστιμότατος, υπέροχος (delicious). Surely, a love at first bite or αγάπη κατά την πρώτη φέρνει αποτελέσματα.